Passion is Energy

“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” -Oprah Winfrey

It’s true. When you believe in what you’re doing, when what you’re doing captivates your imagination, it’s a really powerful feeling. That’s what writing does for me. It doesn’t matter if what I’m writing is any good. It doesn’t matter if anyone else even bothers to read it. What matters is that it makes my soul shine. Okay, that sounds really cheesy. But there’s something magical that happens when you’re engaged in what you feel gives your life purpose and meaning.

I’ve tried to run from writing all my life. I thought I needed to be a doctor, a lawyer, a pharmacist, a party planner… you name it, I wanted to be it. I unofficially changed my major a gazillion times in college. Finally, something compelled me to volunteer for my university’s school newspaper. My first article was covering a gubernatorial candidate (who later became governor). I got great feedback from the editor, and there’s something about seeing your work printed that’s exhilarating.

After college, I eventually found a job producing the morning show for a local news station. I loved the people I was working with and I took pride in my job, but working the graveyard shift got the best of me. And I hated having to miss out on family celebrations and holidays.

Since then, I’ve found other work. A “real job,” if you will. But the itch to write constantly gnaws at me. Last year, I wrote two short young adult books. I went ahead and sent out one of them to various literary agents. It didn’t stick, and I kind of wish I’d spent more time perfecting it before sending it out. But at the same time, I’m glad I did it. I got the fear of the unknown out of my system. This year, my goal is to focus on editing and perfecting my other book and doing everything I can to get it published. What’s more, I’ve started up this blog (which I’m very excited about), as well as a real estate blog for my family’s real estate business. You can check that blog out here.

What are your passions in life? Do you have any special goals to pursue them in 2015?