The Snoogle Review (From a Stomach Sleeper’s Perspective)

For many pregnant women, sleep can become uncomfortable or even downright difficult. For me, this began in the first trimester, so I went ahead and bought a Leachco Snoogle Total Body Pillow.

Let me begin by saying this… I have been a stomach sleeper my entire life. I have tried for years and years to sleep on my back or side, and I have literally never been able to fall asleep in those positions.

I read the reviews for the Snoogle and was more than impressed. But I could just not get comfortable my first few days using it, and I would wake up with my neck hurting. So I set it aside and decided to wait until I was further along to try it out again.

So I did that, and again I just couldn’t get comfortable.

I did what many people do at that point and Googled whether stomach sleepers had trouble using the Snoogle. Sure enough, I found numerous posts about this. Some people said the thickness of the upper part of the Snoogle was too much for them, so they cut that part off and sewed it off and used their own pillow.

Somehow after looking at post after post, I came up with the idea to turn the Snoogle upside-down so that the part meant for my head was between my knees. The part I was now using for my head was smaller and didn’t have as much stuffing. I just pushed it back a little bit and placed my pillow under my head (so that my head was resting on my pillow, not the Snoogle, but the Snoogle was still supporting my back and knees).

This worked for a few days, but after a while became uncomfortable.

Eventually I decided to give resting my head on the Snoogle another try. I kept in in the upside-down position, so that my head was resting on the part meant for my knees. As I’ve gotten further along in my pregnancy, the Snoogle has become more comfortable. Do I love it? No. Is it better than sleeping with just regular pillows propped up behind your back and between your legs? Probably. Am I counting down the days until I can sleep on my stomach again? Heck yeah.

I’d say I have a love/hate relationship with the Snoogle. I need it, but no product (no matter how great) is ever going to make me enjoy sleeping on my side. I can’t fault the Snoogle for that. I think if you’re a side or back sleeper, you’ll love it. If you’re a serious stomach sleeper, I think it’s still worth getting, but most likely you’re not going to love it as much as everyone else in the world seems to.

But you know who does love the Snoogle? My golden retriever. If she jumps on the bed before I have a chance to get to the bedroom, she snuggles up inside so that it’s wrapped around her body. And I’m telling you, she’s obsessed. I cannot get her to get up and off  of it for the life of me. I literally have to push her out of the way so that I can use it. So I think she’s got dibs on using it as a doggie pillow once the baby’s here.

Disclaimer: The thoughts expressed in this post are solely my own based on my own experience. I purchased the Snoogle with my own money and simply wanted to share my personal opinion on how it worked for me.

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